Alicia LEsperance The Hope for President

The next poised people’s President of the United States of America, Alicia LEsperance is our hope for a mobilized nation, for one and for all.

Disclaimer: nominal fees are paid for and content authorized by the candidate and primary campaign committee of the candidate, Alicia LEsperance The Hope for President.


  • A Healthy Nation; Economies, Budgets, Businesses, Environments, Communities, Neighbors, and Families. 
  • Choice to marry who you love, as who you are.
  • Families together and kids safe.
  • Right to bear arms safely.
  • Peaceful international relations, eliminating weapons of mass destruction.
  • Increased legal immigration and boarder protections.
  • Basic no cost health, behavioral and mental health care to prevent conditions.
  • Pregnancy rights to decide outcomes of her/their baby and emergency terminations.
  • Decreased budget for defense, to instead innovate and prepare for extreme conditions related to earth’s changes.
  • Clean and simple laws and court systems, as envisioned by our founders.
  • Balanced budget for our children, operating efficiently and within our means. 
  • Transparency in government and business.
  • Increased production and business within our boarders, Americans housed and fed. 
  • Your next President of the United States of America will have INTEGRITY.
  • Once Again, One Nation.  For One and For All.


  • Flat Tax Percentage Regardless of Income.
  • Back Tax Collections from Illegal- Entrants
  • Marginal Tariffs, 2% – 10%, to Support Business in the U.S.
  • Ban on Weapons of Mass Destruction.
  • International Defense Support that Follows U.S. Principals: 1. Reduce to 2x or less of other countries from the more the 3x any other country currently and 2. Strengthen presence in the UN, United Nations, for peaceful solutions.
  • No Income Limits on Social Security.
  • Unwed Birthing Parent Decision about Newborn Custody.
  • No-cost Basic Healthcare Coverage, included in insurance and ACA plans, before or without deductibles.
  • Truth-in-Lending on Social Service Programs.
  • Legal System Rollback: 1. Reset the laws and court to follow the constitution, 2. Federal high court without lower courts, reviews instead of only case by case changes, 3. Education and support for compliance, and 4. Reduce arrests and court to allow American productivity.
  • Restore the Child Protective System: 1) Find the lost children, 2) Educate and support families, and 3) Reduce the legal arm.


As a past state manager and administrator, Alicia LEsperance has a long history of advancing projects, programs, and policies.

Four years ago, Alicia LEsperance, was requested to the Democratic National Convention by the State Employee’s Association, SEIU 1984, as a representative of 11,000 employees.

Alicia L’Esperance has influenced 100s of federal, state, local, and contractor policies and plans, in state government and as an individual.

— Marriage for more united families and healthcare benefits for children.

— The foundation of the healthcare law in D.C., as part of a leadership program.

— Statewide collaboration between health and social service programs.

— Youth benefits to age 26 as part of the National Network of State Adolescent Health Coordinators.

— Substance screening in healthcare appointments ahead of the opioid epidemic.

— Suicide Prevention Council formation with NAMI NH.

— Program diversified sources of funds, to increase support and mobilize community while reducing public burden.

— Electronic appointments, internet, and cell phone access in the pandemic.

— Conflict free case management and high-quality family support.

— Person/individual and family focused services and language in behavioral, public health, and social services.

— Strategic planning, goals setting, and consumer council voice in policy decisions.

— Healthcare in mental health treatment plans.

— Evidence-based abstinence and alternative curriculums and abortion-free stem cells for life-saving measures.

— Continuous quality improvement across government programs and contracts.

— Accountable, efficient, and simple programs and budgets for events and systems.

— Audits in public and private sectors with feedback for improvement.

— Support for individuals to integrate into employment.

— U.S. Supreme Court case submission to clean up the justice system.


Alicia LEsperance is a mom who was strongly encouraged to run for President by her kids, who have witnessed her drive, dedication, morals, and ethics in the face of corruption. She has often been told that she is the only person that people she talks to have met who could run the country. She continues to tackle the toughest issues despite targeted set-backs. She prioritizes the future of her children and future generations in her country.

Alicia LEsperance could be a dual citizen of Canada, by law, if her “memere”, or grandmother, agreed to dual citizenship. Her grandmother, however, was too proud to be an American to even consider dual citizenship. Her grandmother was born in the United States of America, but her grandmother’s family returned to Canada as a child, when families used to cross the borders fluidly. Her grandmother returned to the United States to marry and raise a family. She later divorced. In the time of limited women’s rights, she raised a family of 6 in the city alone, and bought her own house. This instilled on her granddaughter the philosophy of hardworking for-a-better-tomorrow immigration that founded the country.

Alicia LEsperance accumulated enough volunteer hours before even graduating high school to qualify for a presidential award. She graduated with honors and then obtained dual degrees (BS/BA) from the University of New Hampshire, despite then unmanaged disorders. She challenged the system to treat her own condition in the community and graduated on-time from top degree programs from a then top 100 school. She continued her education through numerous professional and graduate leadership programs as a professional (PHC/LEND), including to become certified as a Certified Public Manager (CPM).

Alicia LEsperance worked tirelessly within the public system and contracted agencies totaling 20 years of service under budget, ahead of schedule, and for the best outcomes of individuals and families. She identified the housing issue early and invested in a multifamily; with experience managing property, she also went on to insure families and manage, audit, and promote business. She embodies the average American, often working multiple jobs, in the public sector and private business. Alicia LEsperance is of the people, for one nation, for one and for all.

